China is GUILTY and We Need Justice

Jim Banks

Jim Banks, Congressman from Indiana’s 3rd. Congressional District, is calling for China to pay reparations from China for taking our jobs and giving us the China virus in return. He says, “How can we do it? Well one way we can do it is to submit China to an International Court of Justice through the United Nations and explore all the violations that China has made dating way back to the 2005 International Health regulations…. These health regulations… were specifically designed to stop the spread of a pandemic and that China has violated so many of these regulations….”

Congressman Banks noted that China, with its veto, could block this action. However, he identified other actions the United States could take. Among these were blocking flights from China, blocking China from the World Trade Organization, or broadcasting western media into China or Taiwan. He is looking at a trillion dollars in reparations. Perhaps we could nullify China’s Debt.

Congressman Banks also has ideas about how we can open up the economy. He observe “The CDC revealed today they’ve put together a Framework for Reopening America—it’s a plan to provide guidance to state and local governments on how to get back to work.

He went on to say, “We are now entering the preparation phase that will last until May 1. From May 1 to May 15, we will see mass testing and screening for immunity. Also between May 1 and May 15, the CDC predicts we can initiate a staged re-opening that will have to depend on local conditions. Conditions in northeast Indiana will vary greatly as compared to cities like Detroit or New York City.

I hope northeast Indiana can be a successful model how we can safely reopen America. I believe we can take individual responsibility, wear masks and practice social distancing without imposed mandates. We can take care of our susceptible neighbors. We can limit private and public gatherings so as to stop the spread of the virus. We can institute rapid COVID-19 and temperature testing so people can feel assured they won’t get sick when they go out in public.

I am proud of Indiana’s forbearance during an extremely difficult time. I pray, like you, that this will be over soon, and I am glad we exploring serious options to get Hoosiers back to work and to church.”

It is real Americans like Congressman who are serving their constituents admirably. You need to vote for Conservative candidates and President Trump to accomplish these great things.

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