Biden’s approval rating falls to all-time low of 34% in new poll

President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34%, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, with voters giving a brutal assessment of how he’s handled immigration and inflation. 

The poll found that nearly double the number of voters, 61%, disapprove of Mr. Biden’s job performance compared to the 34% who do approve of his handling of the presidency. That’s the lowest approval rating in Monmouth’s polling since Mr. Biden took office in January 2021.

Among independents, Mr. Biden’s approval rating stands at 24%, a decline from 30% in September and 38% in July, the poll found.

The 81-year-old president is running for reelection but trailing former president Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. 

Since September, Mr. Biden’s approval number has dropped 4 percentage points and his disapproval rating has increased by 6 percentage points, according to Monmouth University. 

The survey found that Mr. Biden’s support within his own party has thinned with 74% of Democrats approving of his presidency. That’s down from 80% in September and 88% in in July. 

Mr. Biden’s approval rating among Republicans remained unchanged at 5%, according to Monmouth University.

Respondents gave Mr. Biden particularly poor marks for his handling of immigration, with only 26% approving, and inflation, with only 28% approving. 

“The Biden administration keeps touting their infrastructure investments and a host of positive economic indicators,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute. “Those data points may be factual, but most Americans are still smarting from higher prices caused by post-pandemic inflation. This seems to be what’s driving public opinion. There is political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people their take on their own situation is wrong.” 

The Monmouth poll follows Mr. Biden reaching an all-time low of 37% in a Wall Street Journal survey released two weeks ago. Mr. Biden’s aggregate approval rating, which averages out several polls, stands at 39%, according to website FiveThirtyEight. 

The Monmouth University Poll was conducted by telephone from Nov. 30 to Dec. 4, with 803 adults. It has a margin of error of 4.8%

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