Skripal Poisoning: EU Won’t Say Russia Did It

On March 20, 2018, despite the claims hyping the unity of NATO and the EU around the alleged poisoning of the British double agent Sergei Skripal, British government officials don’t seem to be getting everything they want, particularly when it comes to new sanctions against Russia.

A report in the Daily Mail states: “The first signs of tension in EU ranks emerged yesterday as foreign ministers meeting in Brussels failed to sign off on a statement laying blame for the nerve agent attack firmly at Moscow’s door.”

The EU statement condemned the poisoning while expressing unqualified support and solidarity for the UK. However, it failed to blame Russia for the incident specifically. Unnamed British sources are blaming Greece and to a lesser extent Hungary and Italy. Even EU foreign affairs representative Federica Mogherini expressed doubts.

For requesting evidence of Russian culpability in the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has been denounced by PM Theresa May and even members of his own party.

In an interview on BBC’s Radio 4’s World at One, Corbyn once again demonstrated how he is one of the few British and European political leaders with any principles. He even showed rationality in the face of the British government’s insane drive against Russia.  In the March 20th interview, Corbyn stuck with his position that he will wait for the evidence.

“What I’m saying is the weapons were made from Russia, clearly,” he told Radio 4’s World at One. “I think Russia has to be held responsible for it, but there has to be an absolutely definitive answer to the question, where did the nerve agent come from?”

Corbyn then continued: “All fingers point towards Russia’s involvement in this, and obviously the manufacture of the material was undertaken by the Russian state originally.” However, he made it clear, “Don’t shoot from the hip…”

Corbyn repeated his call that samples of the nerve agent be sent to Russia. “I asked the Russians be given a sample so that they can say categorically one way or the other.”

When asked how he would deal with what many see as a Russian threat, Corbyn said he would deal with the issues at hand, such as this current spy case and cyber-security. He then went on to be clear he would have robust dialogue with Russia. “There has to be that dialogue otherwise we don’t get anywhere.”

When asked why the statement was weaker than similar statements of support of the UK position issued by the US, France, and Germany, she said: “Maybe because different countries have different relationships to U.K. intelligence.”

Labour (LEFT) leader J. Corbyn stood up to SOROS accomplices and criticized supposed Russophobic Insanity

During the primetime program Pust Govoryat (Let People Talk) on First channel, the major Russian federal television channel, Valter Litvinenko said he was certain his son was poisoned by biochemist Alexander Goldfarb, who was part of the inner circle of Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, who was also in exile in London at the time. He was also found dead in 2013. As reported in Sputnik, Litvinenko said his son made his way from Turkey to Great Britain, where he was granted political asylum. Goldfarb then represented his son’s interests during the final weeks of his life, and upon his death, he read out his deathbed letter to the media. Valter Litvinenko said Chechen separatist leader Akhmed Zakayev, who was in London at that time, called Goldfarb a CIA agent.

Who is Goldfarb? He is a Russian-American biochemist who worked directly with George Soros and oligarch Berezovsky, both British assets and enemies of Putin.

Sputnik reports that according to Valter Litvinenko, his son was poisoned several times even while in hospital. “Anyone could enter the hospital,” he said. At first, his son had been diagnosed with food poisoning, then thallium exposure and subsequently reports emerged of the use of polonium 210. Valter Litvinenko also stated he was denied access to the files upon his son’s death, or to the autopsy report.

The journalist on the interview, Dmitry Borisov, explained: “It’s now clear why all the documents on the Litvinenko case are highly classified in London for the next 100 years. It was, by the way, carried out by Theresa May, the Interior Minister at the time of the classification. Nobody asked her why on earth she had to classify something that had been on everyone’s lips,” He also went on to say, “If Valter Litvinenko had confessed what he knew earlier, the attempted murder of Skripal might have been avoided.”

While in the US, Soros continues to create division and hate.

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