
Special counsel Jack Smith has obviously failed to adhere to judicial procedural protocol (“Jack Smith says Supreme Court must decide Trump’s immunity case by June,” Web, Dec. 21). His stunt to fast-track a Supreme Court determination of Donald Trump’s presidential immunity status cratered in not only the bog of the Washington swamp, but also in the dust of the deep state. 

The Supreme Court was bound only to receive Smith’s briefing information, not to commit to a hearing. It rightfully sent the briefing back to appeals court for hearings. 

Smith is attempting to use opinion or allegation to remove Trump from the political spectrum. Courts have no right to  interfere with the rights of the voters to choose candidates for political office. 

If precedent is set to abolish Trump from state ballots, then likewise remove Biden from such platforms given the latter’s treasonous refusal to enforce federal immigration law. By allowing the current unconscionable migrant invasion of the southern border, Bide is violating his oath and responsibility as president to faithfully execute the laws of the United States under Article II of the Constitution.


Terre Haute, Indiana

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